


1. 描述事物:介绍学校、家乡、动物、水果、节日等。

2. 记叙故事:自己的经历、读书、旅行等。

3. 说明原因:喜好、值日、做家务、爱好等。

4. 书信作文:感谢信、邀请信、祝贺信等。


1. 看懂题目。认真阅读题目,理解题目中所要求的内容,特别是写作的主题和它要求的写作类型。

2. 确认受众。按照题目的要求,确定读者对象和写作的目的。写作的目的决定文章的结构和内容。

3. 构思大纲。对一篇文章,应进行大纲设想,打好前站。构思先决于写作,而好的构思大纲是成功的一半。

4. 善于选材。根据主题、目的、受众、内容和表达方法的要求,选择适当的内容和素材,以提高文章的质量。

5. 确定语言风格。要根据受众和文章的性质、目的,选择适当的语言风格,使文章更生动、传神。


1. 描述事物

例1: My Favourite Fruit

I have a favourite fruit. It’s an apple. Apples are juicy and delicious. They are good for you too. You can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I usually eat one apple every day. What’s your favourite fruit?

2. 记叙故事

例2:A Trip to the Zoo

Last Sunday, my family and I went to the zoo. We saw many kinds of animals there, such as pandas, lions, tigers and monkeys. They were so cute and interesting. We had a great time. I hope to go to the zoo again soon.

3. 说明原因

例3:Why I Like Playing Football

Playing football is my favourite hobby. First of all, it’s a great way to exercise and keep fit. Second, it’s a team sport. I can play with my friends and have a good time. Finally, it’s very exciting! I love the feeling of scoring a goal. That’s why I like playing football so much.

4. 书信作文

例4:A Letter to My Teacher

Dear Miss Liu,

Thank you for being my teacher this year. You are the best teacher ever! You are always kind to me and you make learning fun. I really like your classes. I hope we can have more classes together in the future.

Yours sincerely,


